موضوع: أ.د / محمد عبد الهادي الأربعاء 02 نوفمبر 2011, 2:13 pm
أ.د / محمد عبد الهادي
أ.د / محمد عبد الهادي Mohamed Abd El Hady
Prof. Mohamed Abd El Hady
Family name: Abd el hady
First name: Mohamed
Place of work: Cairo University, Faculty of archaeology, dept of conservation Giza, Egypt.
Present job: prof. of restoration of monuments and conservation of works of art.
Management duties:
1. Head of conservation department 2001-2003.
2. Vice dean of Faculty of archaeology 2003- 2005.
3. Dean of technical institute of restoration 1998-2005.
4. Cultural counselor in the Egyptian embassy in Poland 2005-2007.
5. director of conservation center, Faculty of archaeology Cairo University, from 2008 till now.
Steps of scientific career:
- 1973: Ba.Of Islamic and Coptic archaeology Faculty of art Cairo University.
- 1980 : Ma.Sc.Of restoration of organic materials, Faculty of archaeology, Cairo university.
- 1986: PhD in architectural restoration of historical buildings, Warsaw, university, Poland.
- 1991: I was appointed as assistant professor.
- 1995: I was appointed as professor of restoration science.
- 1997: I was appointed head of restoration department of Faculty of technical institute of restoration at Luxor, Egypt.
Membership of local societies:
1. Member of societies of historical studies in Cairo.
2. Member of Arab archaeologists, union.
International membership:
1. Member of stone working group ICROM.
2. Member of Arab ICROM.
Field consultancy:
1. Scientific consultant on restoration projects carried out to pharaonic, Coptic and Islamic buildings in Egypt by supreme council of Antiquities
2. Supervisor on 30 Masc. thesis in the field of conservation science and historical building and works of art.
Supervisor on 35 PhD. thesis in the field mentioned above. 3.
Researches recently published:
I have written 36 paper in the field of conservation science and restoration of historical building and works of art which have been presented in local and international congresses in Egypt and abroad from 1985- 2002 among of them are:
1. Durability of limestone used in roman theater and Qait-Bey citadel in marine environment in Alexandria, Egypt, into cong on stone decay and conservation. Lausanne, 1985.
2. Durability of limestone and sand stone monuments in the atmospheric in Egypt, PhD. Thesis Warsaw university, 1986 Poland.
3. groundwater and deterioration of Islamic buildings in Cairo, American university, , press in Cairo, 1995.
4. Acrylic resins and silicones monumental stones preservatives, bulletin of faculty of Archaeology Cairo University, 1990.
5. Biodeterioration in some Archaeological building in Egypt, Egyptian - Italian seminar, cairo, 28-30/11/1993.
6. conservation of Coptic earthen architecture in Egypt (in Arabic) bulletin of faculty of Archaeology Cairo university,1997.
7. Diagnosis of crystalline presenting in Giza sphinx by sem (in Arabic) bulletin of faculty of Archaeology Cairo university, 1999.
8. Soil as a source of deterioration to the foundation of restoration (in Arabic) bulletin of faculty of Archaeology Cairo University, 1998.
9. Re - restoration ancient restoration to historical building in Cairo, ARAAFU,s 4 th international symposium, Paris. 1995.
10. origin and development of restoration and conservation techniques bulletin of faculty of Archaeology Cairo university,1992.
11. structural damage of building stones int, cong Mediterranean basin, heraklium , Greece ,1994.
12. conservation problem of Archaeological Islamic building in Cairo int cong on conservation, preservation... Hyderabad, India, 1995.
Visiting professor:
I have visited some universities such as Qady iad in maroco ( 2001 ) Bari university ( italy 1992) and university of king soud ( riad ) S. Arabic ( 2009) .
Member of the following scientific committees:
1. head of the scientific committee in the conservation center of grand Egyptian museum.
2. Member of the scientific committee for taking out of the solar boat behind chephren pyramid at Giza with the Members from waseda university in Japan.